Lambert’s Fundraiser
Lambert’s Fundraiser
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Aurora, Il (US)

Lakecia Lambert is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
Hello everyone, we are the Lambert’s we been together 12 year’s married for two, my husband have one son 19 year’s of age I don’t have any children we both are 43, he was at his job many years on 2nd shift I work 1st we where bless to buy a home also 2 years ago. Everything so expensive right now we are doing are best to stay a float! It’s hard for everyone at this time🙏🏾we just started IVF 2/13 4500 is a remaining balance, hate to ask for help because we all are in need anything will help❤️Thank you-God bless❤️
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Lakecia Lambert is organizing this fundraiser.